
Sometimes we have to boondock in church parking lots.

It’s a hardship, but we muddle through.

Here we had the help of preschool shouts and giggles in the morning, kind and generous folk in the afternoon, a flock of wild turkeys in the evenings, and cool, dark, peaceful, sleepful nights.

Sunday night we had a family-picnic, bring-your-own-grill-food, build-your-own-ice-cream-sundae outdoor concert.

I have just now done a Google search of “edification of God’s holy people”. The first page was mostly about speaking in tongues. The second led into prophecy. Hmm…okay. That’s how that goes, I guess. Hopefully, this little post will do its part to raise the combination of Biblical music, tasty food, and the great outdoors a little higher in the search results because, let me tell you, it works.

Thanks to Pastor Brian Albrecht and the people holy-in-Christ at St. John’s.